Are you having trouble finding 'icssr research proposal pdf'? You will find all of the details here.
Table of contents
- Icssr research proposal pdf in 2021
- Icssr guidelines for research projects
- Icssr research project 2021
- Research proposal process
- Call for minor research project 2021
- Call for research project proposal in social sciences 2021 india
- Icssr research projects 2020
- Icssr major research project 2020-21 last date
Icssr research proposal pdf in 2021

Icssr guidelines for research projects

Icssr research project 2021

Research proposal process

Call for minor research project 2021

Call for research project proposal in social sciences 2021 india

Icssr research projects 2020

Icssr major research project 2020-21 last date

When was Indian Council of social science research established?
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) was established in the year of 1969 by the Government of India to promote research in social sciences in the country. ICSSR provide grants for projects, fellowships, international collaboration, capacity building, survey, publications etc. to promote research in social sciences in India.
Is it permissible to purchase equipment from ICSSR?
8.14 Purchase of equipment/ assets for the research Project is permissible only if it is originally proposed and approved by the ICSSR and does not exceed the permissible amount. 8.15 The project director shall report to the ICSSR in case he /she makes any changes in the research design.
How to apply for ICSSR post doctoral fellowship?
ICSSR invites online applications for (i) Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF) and (ii) Senior Fellowships (SF) for 2020-21 from Indian scholars. The proposals should be in some social science discipline or should have substantial social science contents if it happens to be interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary in nature.
What kind of research projects can ICSSR do?
ICSSR provides grants to scholars to conduct research in various fields of social sciences which have a theoretical, conceptual, and methodological or policy orientation on the subject of their choice. The research projects may belong to any of the prescribed social science disciplines or may be interdisciplinary in nature.
Last Update: Oct 2021