Do you want to find 'how to write numbers in afrikaans'? Here you can find questions and answers about the issue.
Table of contents
- How to write numbers in afrikaans in 2021
- Ordinal numbers in afrikaans
- 100 in afrikaans
- 10 in afrikaans
- 12 in afrikaans
- Numbers in afrikaans from 1 to 1,000
- Hello in afrikaans
- Learn afrikaans
How to write numbers in afrikaans in 2021

Ordinal numbers in afrikaans

100 in afrikaans

10 in afrikaans

12 in afrikaans

Numbers in afrikaans from 1 to 1,000

Hello in afrikaans

Learn afrikaans

What do you call cardinal numbers in Afrikaans?
Afrikaans cardinal number convey the "how many" they're also known as "counting numbers," because they show quantity. Grammar Tips: In Afrikaans numbers from 1 to 20 are unique and therefore need to be memorized individually, for example een (1), twee (2), drie (3), vier (4), vyf (5), ses (6) ….. twintig (20)….etc.
How do you say hundreds and thousands in Afrikaans?
Hundreds (based on the word for hundred, honderd) and thousands (based on the word for thousand, duisend) are built by saying the multiplier unit right before the scale word with no spacing (e.g.: eenhonderd een-en-twintig [121], eenduisend tweehonderd negentien [1,219]).
What are the numbers from 1 to 20 in Afrikaans?
In Afrikaans numbers from 1 to 20 are unique and therefore need to be memorized individually, for example een (1), twee (2), drie (3), vier (4), vyf (5), ses (6) ….. twintig (20)….etc. All the multiples of 10, like 20, 30, 40, 50 etc. also have to be learnt off by heart. They are: twintig (20), detig (30), veertig (40),...
When to use de or Eerste in Afrikaans?
If you want to say first, second, third and so on, you must use eerste, tweede, derde . The majority of these (up to twenty) are formed by adding de to the number used for counting.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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26.10.2021 09:21You'll probably want to focus on talking and listening. Cursive composition is easy, meet connect the letters with five alkaline strokes.
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